All posts by admin

Discussing Palestine

As Israel launches yet another major military offensive against the 2.3
million residents of the Gaza Strip, many in the UK will want to show their solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine.

However, it is important to understand how to voice your protest in a way that is measured, responsible, and most importantly, that serves to support, rather than undermine, the cause of Palestine.

Here is a short guide on how Palestine activists should navigate this sensitive discussion from Muslim Engagement and Development

Saturday October 21st Rally

About 3000 people attended a passionate rally to show support for Palestinians on Saturday.

Thanks to @PeakMedia

Heartfelt speeches as the intensification of the ongoing Nakba ( for when has it ever stopped?!) unfolds in front of us, combined with incisive analysis of the complicity of the UK and the USA in the genocide we are witnessing.