All posts by admin

Supporting Palestine Solidarity in Sheffield

This week we had a very successful zoom meeting from people across Sheffield who wanted to continue to show support and solidarity for Palestine.

You can see the zoom here

There were loads of links shared in the chat from the speakers. Here they are:

Uni Pal soc:

small park BIG RUN:

Meet us in Meersbrook Park at the top of the hill 12pm -4pm Saturday 19th June11am-Midday Sunday 20th (With the Mayor, buskers and choirs!)

TUC and Sheffield Labour Friends of Palestine

  • Sheffield Labour Friends of Palestine, please do join by emailing

Activist on trial

Brother of Sheffield based activist Shahd Abuslama, Majed , and two other activists are facing a trial for disrupting a representative of the Israeli state and exposing her complicity in Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity in #Palestine.

A great demonstration of solidarity from this magnificent crowd who joined this public court hearing at 8 am to make it loud and clear: Enough with silencing the Palestinians’ cries for justice! 

The whole world should be concerned that anti-Racist activists are being put on trial for standing on the side of a people facing the only remaining colonial and apartheid regime in our modern history, not those racists maintaining this criminal colonial occupation and apartheid.

Israel cannot continue committing crimes against humanity in daylight with impunity. This cycle of impunity, ongoing since the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, needs to be broken. It’s long overdue but time to hold Israel accountable! 

Why cannot they see they are putting the wrong people on trial?

A powerful exhibition – report on ‘Women of Palestine: the ongoing Nakba’

IWD reportThe International Women’s Day event this year was entitled: ‘Women of Palestine: the ongoing Nakba

2018 is the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, the process of ethnic cleansing and colonisation that continues to this day, so the choice of theme for our events this year was obvious.

A photographic exhibition displayed remarkable UNRWA archive images from the Nakba and Naksa. These images were accompanied by modern-day photos to bring the story up-to-date as well as a film and other media about how these events affected a family from Aida Camp.

You can find the full report and more images here

You will be able to see the photos from this exhibition in the Meersbrook Park Walled Garden on June 16th and June 17th. Please see here for times


Nakba vigil

An emotional address from a number of Palestinians was given in front to the town hall on Saturday 12th May as part of the Nakba vigil in Sheffield.

Re-telling their family stories of escape in 1948 and determination to return – and to remember – showed us how pathetic was the prediction from Ben Gurion – and how stupid its current proponents –  that ‘Palestinians will forget’  .

Palestinians do not forget and nor do their supporters.

The right to remember is indivisible and cannot be demolished however many houses are raised to the ground.

nakba 2018

Bank shut by protest

hsbc protestA great turn out day saw HSBC in Sheffield’s Fargate shut.

Bank security hurriedly closed the doors when they realised boycotteers were going to do an action.

Two of Shefield PSC managed to be in the bank. Meanwhile outside, about 20 others ensured that shoppers and walkers got to understand what the noise was about.

Even HSBC customers locked out of the bank showed awareness and understanding when it was explained how this is similar to the Barclays boycott so many years ago.