All posts by admin

Protect local democracy
The government has proposed changes to the way local authorities in England and Wales invest their members’ pension funds. Under the plans, central government would have the power to veto investment decisions made by democratically elected local authorities.









Please sign our petition to protect local democracy

Supporting Sheffield PSC through 2016

Afaq Jadeeda logoSheffield PSC needs your support through 2016.

Our campaigning – on BDS, against the ridiculous ruling by the co-op bank, against the equally ridiculous and insipid declaration that PSC is a terrorist organisation, to increase awareness of the injustices suffered by Palestinian people – all these things need funds.

And so does our direct support for Palestinian people – whether through the children’s projects or the scholarship fund.

Please find out how here :  SPSC Appeal – Version 2016-2.1 and act now.

Women of Palestine: living through trauma, building resilience

northern women for plaestineJoin us for a series of events dedicated to the women of Palestine for International Women’s Day. Our theme is Women of Palestine: Living through Trauma, Building Resilience”.

Through film, music, drama, poetry, workshops, photography and women’s personal accounts, we will explore the daily trauma of life for Palestinian women. We’ll also be celebrating how they survive and thrive against all the odds – supporting each other, their families and their communities, by being politically and creatively active.

Running for a week, from Saturday 5 March Sunday 13 March, this programme has been devised by Northern Women for Palestine, a group of activists from towns and cities across the north of England committed to campaigning for justice for Palestinians.

reem in concertSat March 5 – Manchester

Sunday March 6 – Saddleworth

Tuesday March 8 – Sheffield

Thursday March 10 – York

Saturday March 12 – Bradford: Grand Finale

Sunday March 13 – Halifax: Reem Kelani in Concert

Right to roam 2016

Why not join us in the right to roam walk in 2016?

Children demand the right to roam as we can
Children demand the right to roam as we can

We are raising funds for:

Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund and Children’s Projects in Gaza

We will be starting this leg on April 25th  2016  where we finished last year, at Morvich; and we will be arriving at the end of our Right2Roam Walk, at John-o-Groats, on Saturday 21 May. The full itinerary is here.

Solidarity & fund raising walks along the R2R route (e.g. Bristol & Edale) are being organised for the final day

As in previous years,  there will also be a solidarity walk in Gaza, also the same day: we will all be with the people of Palestine in spirit even though they are unable to be with us.

Elbit charges dropped!

A protester at the Elbit factory in July being dragged of by police
A protester at the Elbit factory in July being dragged of by police

The charges against those protesters at Elbit have now been dropped by the prosecution and they do not have to go to court next week.

This is all charges dropped, including the 2 people charged with assault.
While it would have been good to get Elbit in the witness box in front of a jury, realistically that was never going to happen.
Congratulations though to all involved and those who have shown such great support !
Meanwhile – the campaign against Elbit goes on and this is the second collapse of the factory’s attempts to stop us protesting against them. 

Let’s get that factory closed down!

Protest against co-op closure of the Palestine solidarity accounts

As many as thirty protesters gathered outside the Co-Operative Bank on Pinstone Street in Sheffield today to protest against their politically inspired action to close solidarity accounts.

Ranging from campaigning account of the Sheffield PSC to  donation funds such as the Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund, the claim has been that funds will go to ‘terrorist organisations’ as this is a conflict zone. No mention made of funds going to Israel which is also in the conflict zone.


Co-op banks ‘ethical’ reputation in tatters- ACT Now

Many of us have banked with the Co-op for years. We do so not because of their financial wizardry, but because of their reputation as an “ethical bank”. We need to think again.

Over recent weeks, the Co-op has decided to close accounts connected with Palestine.

In Sheffield, the PSC account, the Yorkshire Palestine Cultural Exchange account and the Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund (a Registered Charity) have all been given notice of closure.

Across the country, twenty accounts belonging to groups which support the Palestinian cause are to be closed, including national PSC. PSC’s legal challenge to the Co-op is in the pipeline.

The Co-op has decided to define accounts which support legitimate, morally valid work for justice as incompatible with their “risk appetite”. There is more than one kind of risk for a bank. What if all of us who currently bank with Co-op decide that their business is incompatible with our “ethical appetite”?

Use this guide to act now

The Scholarship Fund have issued this press release