Category Archives: Campaign

Actions this Friday 2nd & Saturday 3rd Feb

On Friday, a vigil for Palestine with HealthCare workers for Palestine. On Saturday a boycott action. Details in images below

Boycott actions are a way of engaging people directly, talking to them about how their own purchasing choices can make an impact and hep bring them to account for their actions. Please joins us this Saturday.

This weekend 26th and 27th Jan

Friday 26th January:
πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ 5pm. Join our protest outside Sheffield train station, calling for Ceasefire Now!

πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ 6.30 pm. Health workers 4 Palestine will once again hold a vigil for all health workers massacred by Israel: all welcome, outside Sheffield Town hall.

Saturday 27th January:
πŸ“’ Building the Boycott πŸ“’
πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ 12.30 pm: join us for a local Boycott action: assemble outside Sheffield Town hall;

πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ 2pm. After the action, come to the BDS workshop at the Central United reform church S1 2JB to discuss and plan effective ways to build the campaign to make Sheffield an Israeli Apartheid free city.

πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ Note: the next national demonstration in London will be Saturday 3rd Feb.

Sheffield to Palestine: Justice Now Camp

From 5th January to 13th January 2024 please visit and support the Justice Now Camp in front of the Town Hall.

Horrified by the complicity of the UK government and silence form MPs and councillors, in spite of the ceasefire motion passed some weeks ago, Palestinian women in Sheffield , supported by Sheffield Coalition against Israeli Apartheid, will be demanding action and camping outside the town hall.

We demand:

1/ Sheffield council to declare Sheffield an Israeli Apartheid Free Zone
2/ That the UK government investigate British citizens who have joined the Israeli Defence Force and bring criminal charges and cease it’s support for the Israeli army
3/ There is an immediate ceasefire , an end to the occupation, and a just political solution based on an end to discriminatory apartheid policies, settler-colonialism and ethnic cleansing.

You can read why the camp has been set up here and you can see updates about the camp here

Direct action for boycott

As the death toll in Gaza exceeded 19,000, Members of the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid visited Waitrose and Marks and Spencer on Saturday and removed stock from the shelves that had been grown on land stolen from Palestinians.

As it is near xmas and lots of people buy dates at this time, we chose to concentrate on date products in the shops. More information about boycotting Israeli Dates here. You have to be very careful. The label rarely says β€œIsrael”.

Discussing Palestine

As Israel launches yet another major military offensive against the 2.3
million residents of the Gaza Strip, many in the UK will want to show their solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine.

However, it is important to understand how to voice your protest in a way that is measured, responsible, and most importantly, that serves to support, rather than undermine, the cause of Palestine.

Here is a short guide on how Palestine activists should navigate this sensitive discussion from Muslim Engagement and Development