Category Archives: Protest


Zechariah Deutsch, an Associate Chaplain at the University of Sheffield and several other universities travelled to Israel to serve as an IDF reservist.

Deutsch sent a video to students stating that “what Israel is trying to do is destroy the evil”. He is an active participant in Israel’s merciless campaign of occupation, genocide and ethnic cleansing.

We charge him with genocide! He has the blood of Palestinians on his hands!

Deutsch has now returned to the UK, and is visiting the universities he is associated with. He has already been to Leeds and now he is planned to visit our campus on this Wednesday.

Our university has done nothing in response to our letters! They have failed to cut ties with this genocidal maniac! STAND WITH US AND SAY NO IDF ON OUR CAMPUS! THE UNIVERSITY MUST CUT TIES WITH DEUTSCH AND BAN HIS PRESENCE!

Join us and say no to war criminals on campus!

Time: Wednesday 14th February 2024, 12:30pm

Location: University of Sheffield, SU concourse

Bring banners and placards. Stay safe and use a face mask!


Don’t bank on Barclays!!

Barclays is bankrolling Israel’s genocidal assault on Palestinians through its financial ties with arms companies that sell weapons to Israel.

We’re calling on all concerned people to boycott all Barclays services until the bank ends its complicity in Israel’s attacks on Palestinians.

IN SHEFFIELD, we are camping outside Barclays for 24 hours to draw attention to their complicity with genocide and to continue our demand for an Israeli Apartheid Free Zone in this great city.

Let’s not forget Sheffield’s great tradition of solidarity – from the anti slavery sugar boycott in the 1850s, solidarity with Chilean refugees in the 1970s and South African anti apartheid campaign in the 1980s when Barclays were boycotted before and paid the price!!

The council MUST act now!

For 8 days two Palestinian women camped outside the Town Hall supported by many hundred of Sheffield people – who came to visit or stay with them throughout the day and night. They had three clear demands.

Lean (right) and Sahar (left) with Tyneside supporter Annabelle during the camp

The one demand in our grasp at a local level was that the council declare Sheffield an Israeli Apartheid Free zone and take action to ensure none of its operations can have ties with Israel. Please read this to find out what this means and what you can do.

On February 7th hundreds of people will take action for Gaza in their workplace while the council meets in full for the first time this year. In the wake of the ICJ ruling, surely it is time for the council to act:

Apartheid Free Zone now in Sheffield!

(Press release 30th January 2024)

Excellent boycott action Saturday Feb 3rd

Over 100 people took part in a vibrant boycott action in Sheffield today: prepared with songs and good voice over 50 walked through Waitrose singing various boycott songs, including the new Cokebusters!

The crowd then moved on to Aldi – their staff did not seem to mind too much; Waitrose meanwhile had blocked all the isles and called the police – who remained at a respectful distance and enjoyed the concert.

Actions this Friday 2nd & Saturday 3rd Feb

On Friday, a vigil for Palestine with HealthCare workers for Palestine. On Saturday a boycott action. Details in images below

Boycott actions are a way of engaging people directly, talking to them about how their own purchasing choices can make an impact and hep bring them to account for their actions. Please joins us this Saturday.

Protest at Louise Haigh’s office

Louise Haigh’s office on Chesterfield Road was once again the site of a protest on Friday (Jan 26th) as outraged Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Supporters once again demanded something better from the Heeley MP and Labour frontbencher. This was the second week in a row the local Heeley 4 Palestine group had taken to the streets.

We are pleased to say last week’s protest has been well written up in the Star so no need for us to go on about it :))

This follows a successful protests outside Jill Furniss’ office by Palestine Solidarity supporters in November and Paul Blumfield’s office too in December.

This weekend 26th and 27th Jan

Friday 26th January:
🇵🇸 5pm. Join our protest outside Sheffield train station, calling for Ceasefire Now!

🇵🇸 6.30 pm. Health workers 4 Palestine will once again hold a vigil for all health workers massacred by Israel: all welcome, outside Sheffield Town hall.

Saturday 27th January:
📢 Building the Boycott 📢
🇵🇸 12.30 pm: join us for a local Boycott action: assemble outside Sheffield Town hall;

🇵🇸 2pm. After the action, come to the BDS workshop at the Central United reform church S1 2JB to discuss and plan effective ways to build the campaign to make Sheffield an Israeli Apartheid free city.

🇵🇸 Note: the next national demonstration in London will be Saturday 3rd Feb.

Handing in the names IDF enlistees

Justice Now Campers visit the Snig Hill police station in Sheffield to report people who have joined the IDF in contravention of the Foreign Enlistment Act and may have participated in war crimes.

You can try this at your own police station . Also, you can call 101 and ask for progress on INC 546 10 Jan 2024. Here are the names submitted:

  • Peter Lerner (lieutenant colonel)
  • Elon Levi
  • Colonel Richard Hecks
  • Sam Sank
  • Simon Levy
  • Zecharia Deutsch

Simon Levy has submitted videos of himself on social media ransacking a Palestinian woman’s underwear in a typical invasive and sexually exploitative moment. He has also filmed himself declaring that only Hebrew will be taught in Gaza as he stood on the rubble of a school waving an Israeli flag.

Meanwhile Zecharia Deutsch is still holding on to his job at Sheffield University as chaplain while advocating murder to Gazan civilians.

All are in possible contravention of the Foreign Enlistment Act and all should be investigated for possible war crimes.