Category Archives: Protest

Action this weekend Nov 24th 25th & 26th



FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO GO T0 LONDON BOOK YOUR COACH HERE. (Details of Sheffield Rally to follow.)

LONDON COACH details –

  • Depart 8:00 AM – From outside the Hubs, Paternoster Row Sheffield, S1 2QQ
  • Return 9:30 PM.
  • We will leave London at 4pm from a point agreed with the driver
  • The coach tickets cost £25 waged and £10 unwaged
  • We are encouraging people who can to pay a £10 donation so we can keep the price of tickets down.


Please buy your tickets here

Nov 29th is UN International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. How they need that now!

Prices of food in Gaza are now extremely high. The work Musheir has done on the ground has enabled volunteers to access supplies and so far 1831 families have had parcels of food or blankets or clothes.

Every £400 pounds raised will feed 1000 people with rice and lentils.

Demand a ceasefire from MPs

On the day of the vote in the commons, Sheffield PSC supporters marched from Louise Haigh’s to Paul Blomfield’s offices demanding their vote be for a ceasefire. Paul Blomfield’s offices were shuttered up



Paul Blomfield (Sheffield Central) – 0114 272 2882

Gill Furness (Brightside & Hillsborough) – 0114 234 9079

Louise Haigh (Heeley) – 0114 250 8113

Clive Betts (Sheffield South East) – 0114 275 7788

Sheffield demands “Ceasefire Now!”

On November 11th, at lest 10 coaches, put on by various organisations, went from Sheffield to London; meanwhile at least 1500 people marched from Ellesmere Green to the Town Hall to demand a ceasefire and an end to occupation preceded by two minutes of silence at Ellesmere Green.

Some very good speeches from people from many different communities exposing the lie of this being a hate march.

We were lucky to start the rally with some magnificent and emotional singing from different Sheffield choirs.

The children are always ours

It was magnificent to welcome back Musheir El Farra who, with his son Qasem, did such a lot of amazing work while they were trapped in Gaza

Telling how it is

Nov 11th in Sheffield

Please join us in Sheffield if you are not going to the march in London.

We will start at Ellesmere Green (see below for bus routes) and follow the following route:

Ellesmere Green, Ellesmere Rd, Burngreave Rd, Spital Hill, Wicker, Lady’s Bridge, Waingate, Haymarket, Fitzalan Sq, Esperanto Place
Arundel Gate, Tudor Sq, Surrey St for
Town hall Rally: 12 noon

Bus routes for Ellesmere Green:

Ellesmere Green is on Burngreave Rd, just outside the City centre.
Lots of buses from all over the city stop there: 1, 2a, 5, 32, 75, 76, 83, 88, 97, 98. 20 minute walk from the City centre.

Saturday Nov 4th: take your pick!

Incredible amount of support for Palestinians this weekend: take your pick from Sheffield, Chesterfield and / or Rotherham this weekend. But please do show your support.

This just shows the depth of solidarity there is. Use the link to get full details of the event

Nov 1st: Protest at the City Council


This Wednesday (from 1pm to 3pm), we are uniting to make our voices heard and pressure the Sheffield City Council to pass a motion we support on Palestine, which includes:

– Asking the Chief Executive to write to the UK government, requesting to call for an immediate ceasefire and vote for this at the UN ✍️

Cease all arms sales to Israel and end military aid for Israel (Elbit systems) 🙅‍♀️

– Join the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid 🤝

– Condemn as a city all rhetoric that perpetuates genocide 📢

A Green Party councillor will present this motion and vote during the rally – a pivotal moment for our cause. 🗳️❗️

Let’s come together as one powerful force, shaking the foundations of the council building with our voices from the outside. 🏛️🗣️

We need YOU to show your unwavering support for Palestine and demand change. 🫵

Together, we can make a difference! 🇵🇸✊