Open Shuhada Street

This is Sundus Azza. She is from the campaign to open Shuhada Street. At a meeting in Sheffield on Tuesday she described the daily humiliations and provocations caused by a small group of Zionist settlers defended by 2,000 Israeli soldiers. Hebron is the most populous city in the West Bank, Shuhada Street was the main market area. In 1994, an American Zionist Goldstein murdered 29 Muslims at prayer. Palestinians demonstrated, Israeli military stepped in. The road has been closed to Palestinians ever since.
In a dignified calm voice she described how she was attacked by a settler Zionist, then arrested by the Israeli military for the incident. One Israeli settler killed a Palestinian, unusually he was found guilty and sentenced to 18 months in his house. The people of Hebron face rubber bullets, arrest, violence, and even bullets. See more here. Her powerpoint is here.