Nov 1st: Protest at the City Council


This Wednesday (from 1pm to 3pm), we are uniting to make our voices heard and pressure the Sheffield City Council to pass a motion we support on Palestine, which includes:

– Asking the Chief Executive to write to the UK government, requesting to call for an immediate ceasefire and vote for this at the UN ✍️

Cease all arms sales to Israel and end military aid for Israel (Elbit systems) 🙅‍♀️

– Join the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid 🤝

– Condemn as a city all rhetoric that perpetuates genocide 📢

A Green Party councillor will present this motion and vote during the rally – a pivotal moment for our cause. 🗳️❗️

Let’s come together as one powerful force, shaking the foundations of the council building with our voices from the outside. 🏛️🗣️

We need YOU to show your unwavering support for Palestine and demand change. 🫵

Together, we can make a difference! 🇵🇸✊