The Big Ride


Over 200 cyclists  took part in the Big Ride to Shenstone.   There it joined with other protesters on Monday 8th August, including a good contingent from Sheffield PSC.  The wholly owned Israeli Elbit  factory there makes engines for drones.  Drones helped the attack on Gaza in 2014.   This attack killed about 1,500 civilians including 500 children.  The oppression continues today.

While our PSC bank accounts which help educate young women and  fund children’s projects have been closed the daily business of making weapons for the Israeli military goes ahead as normal.  Time to end it.

More pictures are here.

There is also a lovely video of the Sheffield leg of the ride and protest.  It is made by Angela Martin from Sheffield.   Please have a look at it and share with friends.  It is here.

The Big Ride


We are cycling to raise awareness of the UK’s complicity in arming Israel.  Groups of cyclists from London, Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham and Sheffield will converge on Shenstone.  The Elbit factory  there is a wholly owned Israeli arms manufacturer.  It makes parts for drones.  Two years ago drones helped kill 2,200 Palestinians in Gaza.  Most were civilians, over five hundred were children.

Send us on our way at Sheffield Town Hall 10.30 Saturday 6th August.

Or cycle with us for a hundred yards or a hundred miles.

Or you can drive to Shenstone on Monday the 8th August to join the protest.

More information here.


Cultural resistance to the occupation – join us July 9th

Dancing under the wall: resisting the occuptation
Dancing under the wall: resisting the occuptation

What better image can there be of cultural resistance to occupation than dancing under the separation wall. In spite of the occupation, destruction of civil life and countless barriers to cultural engagement,  Palestine, Palestinians and their culture does not go away, or become invisible.

Please give these young peole the warmest possible welcome to Sheffield and see the Lajee dancers next Saturday